Interactive, live classes with all the benefits of technology.

Our expert advisors from UK schools bring over 80 years of teaching leadership experience to designing our chosen educational pathways.

They have worked closely with our project managers to curate a three-year educational journey which maximises the chances of success for your child.

Let the learning begin.

black flat screen tv turned on near green plant
black flat screen tv turned on near green plant
Live online teaching

Tutorials are delivered live through our educational platform. This gives excellent interaction between tutor and student and allows us to make full use of educational technology such as whiteboarding and polls.

Our online setting allows us to track student performance in detail. We use data analytics to help personalise support for each student.

person in red shirt wearing black and gray headphones
person in red shirt wearing black and gray headphones

Structured homework sessions

We provide detailed guidance on how students should make use of homework sessions to progress.

This includes timetabling the homework sessions into the weekly plan so that students know what they should be doing and when.

We also teach students how to study. Guidance on note taking, organisation of material, timekeeping. In short, we work with the student to help ensure efficiency and effectiveness in and out of the classroom.

brown and white open signage on green grasses
brown and white open signage on green grasses
Cloud Access

Students are given access to content and lessons 24/7 through our cloud learning space. All lessons are recorded allowing students who are unable to attend a particular lesson to seamlessly catch up.

Parents are part of our learning triangle. They have full access to timetables, homework and student progress.

Timetabling for Success

Business organisations invest heavily in project management because it gives results. We do the same for your child's education.

Our tutorials and homework sessions are delivered between 1.00 pm and 4.30 pm Monday to Friday. Timings differ slightly between years.

The length of tutorials, homework sessions and breaks are chosen to keep students focused.

We schedule tutorials with homework sessions to ensure content is fully understood and reinforced.

Weekly Timetabling

Revision Intensives

As part of the educational pathway our timetabling includes revision intensives in the lead up to exams. This is a key factor in attaining the maximum possible grade for each student.

These are scheduled in advance according to our staggered exam timetabling throughout the three years of study. We enter students for both winter and summer examination series.

Term Dates

Our school year runs in line with the UK academic year.

Vacations coincide with UK schools for the winter and summer break. Other vacation times differ, with students benefitting from vacation during Ramadan and Eid.